Meet BIG BERTHA. She is a 2 1/2 ton (deuce & a half) restored by fellow American Legion Post 248 member Charlie Yannis. She will be our ride representing Post 248 in the upcoming Blue Ridge 4th of July (Old Timers) Parade this year. She seats 16 in the cargo area on bench seating plus one passenger in the cab. All American Legion Post 248, Auxiliary and family members are invited to come ride in the parade – first come, first served. Those wishing to ride should meet Charlie at the Veterans Center NLT 0900 (9:00 a.m.) on July 4th. A ladder will be provided to assist with getting on/off. So, come re-live your military days or, for those that have not had the opportunity, experience your first “duce” ride! Wear your American Legion and/or patriotic apparel, a good pair of sunglasses, slather on some sun screen, grab a bottle of cold water and come join the fun!