Post 248 members responded quickly in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene that passed thru our area on Sept 28 & 29, 2024.  While our immediate area was largely spared, there was sporadic damage including numerous trees down across Post member April King’s driveway, preventing her and her husband David from exiting their property.  April asked for help and Post members Kerry Dills (including his son), Tim Doherty, Fletcher Stroemer, Daryl Westberry and SAL member Chas Auten responded quickly and cleared her driveway within a few hours following her request. However, our neighbors across the state line in Western North Carolina were severely impacted over a 25-County area.  Post members also assisted the Fannin County Fire Department (FCFD) and Emergency Management Agency (EMA) with receiving and sorting donated disaster relief supplies and loading trailers for transport and delivery directly to County Fire Departments/EMA in Western North Carolina and the Augusta, Georgia area. Volunteers assisting with this effort over several days included Post Commander Jim Callender, Chris McKee, Mark Smith, Paul Russell, Jeff Immel, Bob Bradley, Tim Doherty, Auxiliary Unit members Leslie Callender and Star Smith and SAL member Chas Auten.  Post members Jim Callender, Chris McKee, Bob Bradley, Paul Hunter, Sonny Payne, Harold Bargeron, Nick Wimberly, John Grizzell, Bill Stodghill and SAL member Chas Auten also manned the buckets to raise money for disaster relief supplies near the Blue Ridge Walmart and Dairy Queen on Saturday, Oct 5, 2025.